Giuseppe De Mattia – Dress Code

GIUSEPPE DE MATTIA Dress Code @ LAVAPIU website Instagram text by: Celeste translation by: Tommaso Iorio The concentration of circumference The main character of a novel by Tiziano Scarpa from few years ago, Il brevetto del geco, is a thirty-nine-year-old artist from Milan, determined to put an end to a career that never really took […]

Giuseppe De Mattia

PHROOM magazine international research platform for contemporary photography and video art // Giuseppe De Mattia

PHROOM HOME Projects Interviews Book Reviews Videos Texts TV Artists About Submission Newsletter   Val d’Aosta, 1967, Adriano Fornaciari, 8mm GIUSEPPE DE MATTIA(with Ilaria Ferretti e Paolo Simoni)in collaboration with HOME MOVIES La coincidenza dello sguardoCoincidence of a Glance websiteInstagram Our attention was captured by the frames of amateur moviemakers contemporary with Luigi Ghirri. These […]

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