Topographies: Aerial Surveys of the American Landscape // Stephen Shore

PHROOM // Topographies. Aerial Surveys of the American Landscape—Stephen Shore

STEPHEN SHORE  Topographies: Aerial Surveys of the American Landscape websiteinstagram published by: MACKtext by: Matteo Cremonesi   In the iconic works of Stephen Shore, America emerges in a new light, the reading that the author concretises through the images challenges the conventions of the collective imagination that permeates the perception of this nation in order […]

“Transparencies: Small Camera Works 1971-1979” // Stephen Shore

PHROOM magazine // international research platform for contemporary photography and video art

PHROOM STEPHEN SHORE Transparencies: Small Camera Works 1971-1979   websiteinstagram Publisher: MACK text by: Matteo Cremonesi   Carrying on an important and consolidate photografic and cinematographic tradition that wants the story or mapping of the territory as the central subject in visive – narrative reflection in United States already starting from the nineteenth century (we […]

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