Paradise Falling



By observing and making imagery of the natural world around me, I have become a collector—I am gathering together images whose subjects are often scattered or widespread. Like Jazz, these images exist through improvisation, syncopation, and rhythm. Their meaning is developed through their own fluidity and abstraction. But also, this imagery is rooted in memory and my desire for the past to go away. Through organization and curation, I am able to redefine my own history.

The images are paired with vignettes of writing that explore the loss of a relationship, the loss of what home means, and the feeling of being unmoored. I spent the last ten years of my life drifting, and this series is an exploration of feeling lost within that physical and emotional landscape. The figures in the book are representative of metaphors that look at astrology, myth, and symbolism.

Alana Celii is a photo editor and photographer based in New York. She graduated with her BFA in photography from Parsons the New School for Design in 2009. Currently, she is a photo editor at The New York Times. Her personal work has been exhibited in the US, and abroad. Most recently, she completed a residency at Vermont Studio Center, and NES in Iceland.

Copyright © Alana Celii, all rights reserved

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