PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

Alicja Brodowicz was born in Kraków, Poland.
Graduate of the Institute of Creative Photography in Opava (Czech Republic).
Finalist and laureate of photography competitions (IRIS Award – Australia, Photo Annual Awards – Czech Republic, International Photography Awards – USA, 7th Julia Margaret Cameron competition – Great Britain).
Winner of 1st place (portrait category) in Black and White Child Photo Competition.
Honourable mention: International Photography Awards 2015 – Category: Children, MIFA 2015.
Laureate of Debuts 2016 and TIFF Festival Rivers and Roads 2016.
Alicja’s main focus is on subjective documentary and fine art photography.

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

Visual Exercises

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.”
Alice Walker

I photograph the human body – the microcosm.
Its’ fragments: hair, scars, texture of skin, wrinkles.
I am interested in individual particularities; I look for distinguishing features and
irregularities. Imperfections are my favourites.
I photograph nature – the macrocosm.
Surface of water, grass, tree bark, dry leaves.
I combine the two images, looking for converging lines, textures, similarities in layout and analogies in composition between the microcosm and the macrocosm. I look for unity between the human body and nature.

Visual Exercises.

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography and video art // project

website: Alicja Brodowicz

Instagram: alicjabrodowicz

Facebook: Alicja Brodowicz

Flickr: Awdotia

copyright  © Alicja Brodowicz, all rights reserved

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