Karolina Burlikowska

PHROOM KAROLINA BURLIKOWSKA WebsiteInstagram Karolina Burlikowska works instinctively, following her curiosity into surreal places. Influenced by the every-day world around her—from the ad catalogues of her teenage years to food bubbling in the kitchen—Karolina’s work embraces moments of magic which often go unnoticed by others. Nature and its phenomena are a consistent source of inspiration, […]
Soffice come l’erba ruvido come l’asfalto // Tomaso Clavarino

TOMASO CLAVARINO Soffice come l’erba ruvido come l’asfalto websiteinstagram Soffice come l’erba ruvido come l’asfalto is the result of the work of approximately four months developed by Tomaso Clavarino in via Quarti, in Baggio, a western suburb of Milan. Invited to produce a new body of images from a group of institutions involved in social […]
Nicolò Rinaldi

PHROOM NICOLÒ RINALDI Tourist Tsunami WebsiteInstagram Tourist Tsunami is a photographic exploration of the complexities and peculiarities of overtourism, a phenomenon that redefines the identity of destinations and the experience of those who visit them. The project investigates, through critical observation and the powerful tool of irony, mainly the anthropological and performative aspects of tourism: […]
How To Move a Mountain // Caleb Stein

CALEB STEIN How to Move a Mountain websiteinstagram Published by: Luhz Press How to Move a Mountain is Caleb Stein’s photographic essay of the Carrara marble quarry, a series of intimate portraits of roboticarms and raw marble that offer nuance to today’s debate around artistic authorship and AI and computer-augmented art.Sent on a commission for […]
Monos // Alessio Keilty

ALESSIO KEILTY Monos websiteinstagram Get your copy: here In the western side of Europe, where the Mediterranean Sea touches the cold waters of the ocean, a small community of free-range apes lives and thrives. Nestled in the upper rock of Gibraltar, this colony of Barbary macaques consists of around three hundred individuals. These macaques are […]
Cenote // Takako Noel

TAKAKO NOEL Cenote websiteinstagram Get your copy: here In this book, I shoot Cenotes and women who swim there, expressing the story of integrating the unconscious shadow within the ego and achieving wholeness of mind. Cenote means “sacred spring” in the Mayan language. They are formed when underground limestone caves fill with water and the […]
À L’Ouest // Danny Scott Lane

DANNY SCOTT LANE À L’Ouest website instagram Published by: CAVIE With À L’Ouest, Danny Scott Lane takes us on a visual journey that transcends the clichés of travel reportage, delving into an intimate and layered narrative of Southern France. The title, evoking both a metaphorical and literal westward movement, reflects the exploratory nature of the […]
Michelle Shen

PHROOM MICHELLE SHEN Rest Easy I’ll See You Again WebsiteInstagram Rest Easy I’ll See You Again is an ongoing project that captures my evolving relationship to Shanghai and family through ephemera, archive, and the images of the private and public spaces that I exist in. It touches on themes of memory, time, space, and structures. […]
Laura San Segundo & Alejandría Cinque

PHROOM LAURA SAN SEGUNDO & ALEJANDRÍA CINQUE Las Hijas de Minerva (Minerva’s Daughters) Laura San Segundo: website and instagram Alejandría Cinque: instagram Minerva’s Daughters is a collaborative project developed by Laura San Segundo and Alejandría Cinque, and commissioned by PhotoESPAÑA. The project was designed as a site-specific intervention for the National Museum of Romanticism in […]
Michiel De Cleene & Arnout De Cleene

PHROOM MICHIEL DE CLEENE & ARNOUT DE CLEENE Amidst the fire, I am not burnt Michiel De Cleene: website and instagramArnout De Cleene: website Published by: Roma Publications In April 1872, Vesuvius erupted in a violent cataclysm. It is considered to be the first volcanic eruption ever photographed. Major eruptions have followed since, with the […]