Finalmente posso andare

Finalmente posso andare (eng. Finally I can go) is a visual diary and stream of consciousness that recounts my coexistence with the death of my grandmother and my aunt. It all happened during Italy’s first lockdown due to Covid19, in 2020. The virus had nothing to do with their passing but it became the obstacle between me and my family.

I lost them, but it’s like I couldn’t live that loss, I couldn’t process what was happening. I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye in person even if my grandma was just half an hour away from me. I was locked in my house with my brother and two important parts of us had just left.
I started looking for a way to express this emptiness, it was the only thing I could do.
I grew up surrounded by nature—my grandparents live in the Umbrian mountains—it always reassured me somehow and I felt like I could talk about these experiences through it.

I couldn’t go out so I brought nature to me. I started searching in my photographic archive and that’s when this visual diary was born. After almost three years I still find, most of the time unknowingly, glimpses of them in my daily life, in our spaces and in the people that are close to me.
I realized that I’m just trying to create the farewell I couldn’t give but that we all deserve.

PHROOM // Cinzia Laliscia
PHROOM // Cinzia Laliscia
PHROOM // Cinzia Laliscia
PHROOM // Cinzia Laliscia
PHROOM // Cinzia Laliscia

Cinzia Laliscia (b. 1999) is a young intimate photographer born and based in Italy. Her personal works arise from themes such as nostalgia, timelessness, the unconscious and the relationship between humanity and nature. The act of creating images and series helps her to talk about her family experiences, her memories and her life.
In 2020, during her second year of university, her work Lost and found was published by Canon in the collective book Encourage after being selected for the Student Development Program during the Visa Pour l’Image Festival.
In 2021 she graduated with honors in Visual Arts at the European Institute of Design in Rome.
From 2022 her work “Finalmente posso andare” was chosen for several exhibitions, among these the PhotoVogue Festival in Milan, the Incadaqués International Photo Festival in Spain, the Liquida Photofestival in Turin, for “New Talents 2022” by PEP—Photographic Exploration Project in Brussels, the Photometria International Festival and the Photopolis Agrinio Photo Festival both in Greece.
She was mentioned in The Guardian, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Photo Vogue, Exibart, Artribune and published by PhMuseum, Der Greif, Perimetro and Black Camera Italia.

Copyright © Cinzia Laliscia, all rights reserved

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