Following a posthumanist perspective that implies the dissolution of boundaries between entities, the body of work is connected by the same invisible thread of a progressive questioning of the idea of identity as something merely personal. Investigating concepts from familiar constellations, heritage of memories and psychological suffering, to the imperceptable entanglements resonating between human and non-human bodies, the reasearch redefines the question of what being means from a “who” to a “why”. Looking to subjectivity as a dynamic emergence of the intra-connection within familiar, societal and natural elements, this is an exploration on how exisence is not an individual affair.
Elisa Moro. After graduating in Psychology, she attended the Master’s degree in Contemporary Image at Fondazione Modena Arti Visive. Her main interest is the application of the creative process as a tool for therapeutic healing and emotional exploration of reality and its significance combining photography, drawings, archive materials, elements from physics and ecology.