Off Season // Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

Born in Agen in 1979, Fabian Forcaud lives and works in Paris since 2007. Is a french self-taught photographer influenced in his approach by his work as artistic director in the 3D and virtual reality industries. His photographic work question our relationship to landscape. Always in search of tipping points, trouble areas, his work attempts to highlight the fine line between presence and absence . The treatment of his images questioning themselves the boundary between photography and painting.

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

Off Season

In the concept of “territory” means a relationship between people and specific space, what does it mean if this territory stops to be frequented or used? Once a year, seaside resort built for summer activities only are abandoned by vacantioners. How does this temporary solitude thake shapes in the visible? What kind of transformations this abandonment makes to the landscape and everyday life objects? When they are no more vacation places, what’s happening to these “beach” cities that even their names condemn to this unique function?

With this lack of function, stuck in a temporal break and space between these landscapes and objects enter in a drowsiness state, an indifferent waiting. It exists for nothing and nobody but it keeps some persistence in its being. There’s only materials, forms, colors, lights. There’s no beach anymore, just a sea side and sand, no more garbage but some plastic and metal in the waiting status to be a garbage again. These landscapes and objects have been, are, and will be again. Next summer, vacantioners, will probably never feel during this time something has changed.

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

PHROOM Fabien Fourcaud

website: Fabien Fourcaud

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facebook: fabienfparis

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