Of Fire, Far Shining


Published by: Zone Mag

In 2020, a profound personal experience prompted me to reexamine the metaphysical layers of existence, catalyzing a deep dive into mysticism and a fundamental reevaluation of my ontological framework. At the same time, I began to come to grips with the scope of certain devastating realities of life on Earth: the staggering impact of corporate and consumer greed on the environment, the grisly violence perpetuated by the U.S. National Security State and its Military Industrial Complex, and the insidious reach of the repugnant ideologies that sustain these sinister forces.

The images that comprise Of Fire, Far Shining marked my path as I waded through these bewildering experiences and events. While I did not enter the creative space with a predetermined narrative in mind, I am confronted with a sense of anticipation, unease, and foreboding when I view these pieces in retrospect, as if an unseen presence lurks within them, just out of reach, and threatening to emerge at any moment.

Ultimately, Of Fire, Far Shining explores what it feels like to be trapped within our highly strange, cataclysmic, and inevitably transformational moment—what Terence McKenna aptly referred to as “the end of history”. A monograph of this work will be published in September 2024. It is currently available for preorder from Zone.

PHROOM // J.A. Young
PHROOM // J.A. Young
PHROOM // J.A. Young

J.A. Young, are a photographer / multi-media artist based in Asheville, N.C. Using both personal photographs and public domain archival images as raw materials, their work combines various materials and methods (e.g., physical print experimentation, dramatic recomposition, and rephotography) to transform subtle feelings into tangible visual expressions. Rather than adhering to strict themes or concepts, they view each image as part of an ever-evolving landscape that mirrors the shifting contours of perception and their emotional relationship to the world.

Copyright © J.A. Young, all rights reserved

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