The Smiley Cut


The Smiley Cut stands as a visual chronicle of my journey through cancer treatment.

The photographic medium provided an outlet for me to navigate the stages of grief and confront the transformative journey my body was undertaking. Through these images, I reclaimed a measure of control over my own physicality. While time seemed to stretch infinitely a tranquil refuge emerged in the nearby forest by my home—Safjället. This serene landscape became my sanctuary. I run and walked multiple times in it. I met there with friends, I photographed it, I made it part of my journey.

The loop I was running every day signified to me the circularity of chemotherapies and the side effects that my body was racing to overcome. The Safjällsgatan ́s sign was the view of the beginning and the end of every run I did. In this work the public becomes private and the private public as a need for expression and connection through empathy and vulnerability.

Katerina Tsakiri was born in Athens in 1991 and is currently based in Gothenburg. She studied Photography and Audiovisual Arts in Athens and holds an MFA in Photography from the University of Gothenburg. She employs self-portraiture and autobiographical narratives to pose questions on female identity in Western societies. Her practice ranges from staged photography to video performances and sculptures.

For the past four years, her artistic practice has been driven by a visceral curiosity about the female body. She examines her relationship with her own body and the impact of breast cancer on the embodiment of femininity.

Copyright © Katerina Tsakiri, all rights reserved

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