


Successions is a work that focuses on the vernacular; things in my proximity. The work is – without agenda – a play with light, impermanence and faculties of seeing.

Katrin Koenning is a German photographer and photographic educator based in Melbourne, Australia. In 2016 her first book, Astres Noirs, received the Australian Photobook of the Year Award and was shortlisted for both Prix Nadar and the Paris Photo/Aperture First Book Award. Katrin regularly exhibits in Australian and international solo and group exhibitions.
She is a former editor of the Australian PhotoJournalist Magazine, and her images are published widely in places such as The New Yorker, ASX, The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, and many others. Katrin regularly teaches intensive conceptual and narrative-based workshops in photographic practice and thinking, working closely with institutions and festivals such as Angkor Photo Festival (Siem Reap, Cambodia), The Lighthouse (Calcutta, India), Photo Kathmandu (Kathmandu, Nepal), Photobook NZ, The Centre for Contemporary Photography (Melbourne, Australia), Perth Centre for Photography and the Australian Centre for Photography among others. She has been a photographic educator since 2008, teaching documentary storytelling at the University of Queensland and Photography Studies College Melbourne. Koenning is represented by East Wing Gallery.

Copyright © Katrin Koenning, all rights reserved

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