Mother of Monotony
In a world that often calls on women and mothers for symmetry, Lauren’s art feels like a polarising contradiction entering a dance of creativity and utter chaos. Lauren’s process is a total internalised kaleidoscope of visions that hold a mirror to her deepest thoughts and feelings. She is incessantly balancing motherhood with a hunger for exploration and playfulness. Lauren’s work is an intimate reflection of how she sees the world, often through a prism of deep contemplation and constant rumination. Each photograph is an invitation to the raw unrefined truth of existence, a compelling testament to life’s complexities and often monotonous moments, as a mother, and a woman.
Lauren Beard is 30 years old, living in England, with her partner and two young daughters. She has been documenting her life through the trials and tribulations of motherhood. Becoming a mother at 23 this is when she first started using photography as an art form. She hopes to exhibit her work, and aspires to shoot campaigns in the near future.