Essere per Sempre



Essere per Sempre is a visual research still in progress, mainly focused on moments of childhood and transformation. The images and forms created represent the synthesis of a specific moment, place and body fragment, which come to life in space as organic forms.

Lorena Florio (Pescara, 1996) graduated in New Technologies of Art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.

Her work lies at the intersection of photography and sculpture. Through physical and digital manipulation of the image, she explores the passage of time, and the infinite metamorphosis of the body and memory. This year she was selected among five contemporary Italian photographers for the group exhibition Cinque Alla prima curated by Chiara Ascari at Area Treviglio (Treviglio, Italy) and in March she inaugurated her first bi-personal exhibition “Aeterna” with Katrina Stamatopoulos, at Mucho Mas! Gallery (Turin) curated by Silvia Mangosio, Luca Vianello and Pellicola Magazine.

Copyright © Lorena Florio, all rights reserved

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