β-HCH – Geography of an environmental disaster




“β-HCH – Geography of an environmental disaster” is a photographic investigation about one of the most polluted places in Italy, the “Valle del Sacco”. A vast territory between the provinces of Rome and Frosinone, crossed by the Sacco river for over 80 km. Looted, wounded and poisoned by decades of industrial pollution, illegal waste spills and landfills, in 2005 was declared the state of socio-economic-environmental emergency and the entire area was recognized as a Site of National Interest, one of the largest and complexes of the country. Currently, the river water is unusable, as the land around it where the organic food production is prohibited, the inhabitants continue to get sick. The aim of these images is to examine and tell the story of a place deeply marked by the human passage, where space and time never appear neutral. An altered and undefined landscape, where the traces of a big industrialization demonstrate the human ascendancy over the natural world, our need to manage, control and contain it.

Marco Del Borrello (born in Termoli, Italy in 1998) is a photographer and videomaker based in Rome. In September 2020 he graduated with honors at the European Institute of Design (IED) in Rome. He approaches the world of visual arts after studies on advertising and post-production. Over the years he has divided his photography between creative portraits and documentary photography on topics like the environment. He’s always been attracted to the new digital languages and is open to traveling for new work and opportunities.

Copyright © Marco Del Borrello, all rights reserved

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