Lio, Clodia and Malamocco


I choose to start the journey from the furthest mouth from home: Chioggia (Clodia). From Castello, Sarah and I took a Vaporetto that brought us on a bus which was then loaded onto a larger boat. In this setting, we traveled along that 21-kilometer-long and 300-meter-narrow strip of land that brings us straight to Chioggia after a two-hour journey.

There, we found huge breakwaters crushing the strength of the waves and bright rust left on the rocks by time and tides. On one side of the Sottomarina breakwater, we could see the salty waves of the Adriatic Sea, on the other side, the brackish water of the lagoon.

After the sunset, we headed towards the Malamocco mouth where we stopped for one night of little rest and many mosquitoes. At dawn, we reached Alberoni beach, on the opposite side of the mouth. There a seaweed foil was covering the rocks, as if to protect them, and cruises were floating on a grass sea while reaching Porto Marghera.

In reverse, the last place to reach was the Lido mouth (Lio) where we arrived cycling from Punta Sabbioni through the seafront, till that roundabout for rotating dervishes van.

It was too early for tourists to be on the beach, they were replaced by an array of sandpipers with hundreds of their drawings left on the sand. Sarah, looking at the bus going to the club Il Muretto, highlighted the tedious look of boys dressed in shirts compared to girls, each accessorized in their own way.

“Acqua in bocca” means to drown, it is a secret, but to the lagoon it is breath, it is voice. The three mouths are together access and exit, they are limit and togetherness, detachment and encounter. Within that gurgling of sense and contradiction, one month ago we scattered the ashes of my mother, on the fortieth day when—according to different cultures—the soul greets the earth. In many beliefs, the sky embraces the souls of those who leave. For us, it was the water.

PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda
PHROOM // Matteo de Mayda

Matteo de Mayda (1984, Italy) lives in Venice. His visual research is focused on social and environmental causes. He has exhibited his work at the Venice Biennale, MUFOCO, Triennale Milano, Camera Torino, Fotografia Europea and the Design Museum in London. In 2019, he published “Era Mare,” a book about the high water in Venice. In 2020, he was selected by ARTRIBUNE as the best young Italian photographer of the year. In 2021, he was one of the FUTURES talents selected by CAMERA (Italian Center for Photography) and won the Italian Sustainability Photo Award (ISPA) with “There’s no calm after the storm.” In 2022, he won the British Journal of Photography International Award and was shortlisted at the Premio Gabriele Basilico. His images have been published in Italian and international magazines, including The New York Times, Financial Times Magazine, Internazionale, Zeit and Vogue.

Copyright © Matteo de Mayda, all rights reserved

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