Release into the galaxy


published by: GAP4
text by: Matteo Cremonesi


With Release into the galaxy, the debut work of Japanese photographer Kenta Nakamura, the author achieves something surprising and unprecedented. Through his gaze, the concept of “release from the concept of time” comes to life in a visual symphony of emotions, situations, stories and alternative worlds. A visual universe in which fragments of the fantasy world of fairy tales meet the postures of artistic representation and fashion to create a territory of the possible.

Nakamura’s photographs are like open doors to unknown dimensions, an encounter not devoid of creativity, irony and sensitivity, an invitation to explore the infinite potential of existence and its expressions.

Each image is a narrative steeped in mystery, a tale that goes beyond mere visual representation and the expression of refined taste. The alien landscapes captured in the book found at the edge of the galaxy transport us to unimaginable places, where the laws of time seem suspended and reality blurs into an aurora of timeless colours and shapes. A place, a space, a time, of the fantastic.

Designer Shinpei Nakaya has skilfully translated this vision into a new visual language, the ‘Melatade language’, which permeates the design of the photo book. Each page is a work of art in itself, with lines and shapes dancing in harmony with Nakamura’s images. This symbiosis of image and design creates an experience that goes beyond visual perception, engaging all the senses.

As you walk through the pages of this extraordinary book, you immerse yourself in a kind of sensory trance, a journey that challenges the very foundations of reality. Kenta Nakamura and Shinpei Nakaya have created a work that tickles our cosmic curiosity and makes us wonder what it really means to explore the universe.

This photo book is not just a work of art, but a bold statement about the infinite beauty and complexity of existence. It is an invitation to break free from the shackles of time and plunge into the unexplored depths of the universe, an invitation to dream and believe that, perhaps, time is but a passing illusion in the face of the eternity of the possible.

Kenta Nakamura is a portrait, documentary, contemporary photographer based in Fukuoka and Tokyo, Japan. Born in 1981. Working for a photo studio LOBJET. I take photographs of contrasts and vivid images in daily life. A consistent theme of my work is “value expansion/assistance to coexistence”. I consider photography as a communication tool. I am glad if I can draw out various emotions of viewers and mutually communicate with them.

Kenta Nakamura is a portrait, documentary, contemporary photographer based in Fukuoka and Tokyo, Japan. Born in 1981. Working for a photo studio LOBJET.
I take photographs of contrasts and vivid images in daily life. A consistent theme of my work is “value expansion/assistance to coexistence”. I consider photography as a communication tool. I am glad if I can draw out various emotions of viewers and mutually communicate with them.

Copyright © Kenta Nakamura, GAP4 and PHROOM, all rights reserved

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