
Everyday life and common objects are the pretext for telling a possible magical realism: I am interested in finding meanings and connections in everyday actions that refer to a symbolic reality. I am interested in investigating the intangible relationship between things, between people and between things and people; discovering the other world: drops of liquid on a marble surface. A microcosm of reflections and organic forms that become for a moment elements of another world, creating an interference in the material reality, pretendedly ordered and known. Often I don’t care per se about the subject I am photographing, it could be animate inanimate, ugly or beautiful, it doesn’t matter at all, I just try to capture its ambiguity and the emotions it conveys to me. Something extremely familiar and simultaneously alien a bit like when you look closely at your toes.

Sara Scanderebech was born in Salento. She moved to Milan to attend the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. After graduating in Visual Arts she worked as a photographer for the Carla Sozzani Gallery. 
In 2019 she exhibited at the Otto Zoo Gallery in Milan in the group show Savage. She is currently in charge of communication and curating the bookshop of “Paradise”, the concept store of the fashion brand Marsèll. She collaborates with independent magazines Alla Carta, Rivista Studio, InCf Magazine, and the Korean publication MAPS. In 2022 her WATERSPELL project was exhibited in a Solo Show at Spazio Martin in Milan.

Copyright © Sara Scanderebech all rights reserved

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