Alte Vie

Alte Vie is my artist’s book made in 2020 in collaboration with Chippendale Studio.
Alte Vie is a collection of photos taken in the woods and on the mountains of Valle Intrasca and Valdossola (Piedmont). I am fascinated by ancient wall paintings almost disappeared, “images before the society of images”; these were the only images produced and seen by people of that time and are going to fade as the digital ones we produce and see today.
These disappearing paintings let appear the matter on which they were made, while the collapsing mountains turn into sand, the same matter on which the paintings were made. I am interested in representing the degradation of the images produced by man, to show the impermanence of earthly things, thus the return to stone.
Mountains and heaps of rock have a symbolism at the same time physical and spiritual, combining them with the images produced by man I want to express the need for the transcendent. If the rock is a matter, the flesh we are made of, the images represent human beings and our need for infinity.

Stefano Canetta is a photography enthusiast and amateur photographer, born and raised in the woods of Verbano (Piedmont), He has been living in Milan for many years.

Copyright © Stefano Canetta, all rights reserved

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