I’m an old dog locked in a kennel and under my ass I have a thermal blanket that keeps me warm during winter.
Wasn’t always like that. I marked the territory above stormy ships and smelled kilometers of road. I had a bandana and I put the nose inside the realm of shadows. Now I’m tired and I decided to lock myself in a cage and have a safe plate of croquettes a day.
But I can still dream and those you will see are the memories of my travels in the realm of shadows.


December 2019


October 2019


September 2019


August 2019


July 2019


June 2019


May 2019


April 2019


March 2019


February 2019


January 2019

Demetrio Giacomelli was born in Genova in 1986. Painting degree at Academy of fine arts in Genova. He moved to Milan in 2013 where He started working as assistant director to Paolo Caredda for the documentaries “Gli italiani e il fumetto” and “Andrea Pazienza, fino all’estremo” produced by SkyArte.
In 2014 he founded Progetto Aves, together with Matteo Gatti and Matteo Signorelli. The artistic research group investigates about the interactions between citizen and animals. Together with Progetto Aves they took part in many artistic events as “La Biennale di Venezia”, “CCCB” in Barcelona, “Careof” in Milan… In 2015 the video “Km/18” won the Tent Academy Awards in Rotterdam.

Currently Demetrio Giacomelli is working on his own projects after winning the development prize “Premio Solinas per il Cinema” for the best screenplay, and the participation of “InProgress” launched by Filmmaker.
In 2016 he presented “Mal d’Archivio” at Pesaro Film Festival and in 2017 he participated at the same festival with “Il Secondino Innamorato”.  In 2017 he made the documentary “Diorama” that won the “Best Italian Documentary” award at the Torino Film Festival and the “Best Italian Documentary” award” at MAXXI in Rome.

In 2017 he made the science-fiction movie “L’Estinzione Rende Liberi” that won the “Best Movie” award in the section “Prospettive” at Filmmaker Film Festival in Milan

Copyright © Demetrio Giacomelli and PHROOM, all rights reserved

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