


publisher: DISKO BAY
text by: Matteo Cremonesi

Through a skillful coexistence of photographic images and text, Danish author Matilde Søes Rasmussen elaborates a project in which she questions a particular period of her life in which, as a professional model in Asia, she spent more than a decade working for the fashion industry, interpreting its canons, vision and underlying expression of power.

In an attempt to question the disciplining practices proposed by that environment, Unprofessional is a project that oscillates between the playful and the irreverent, letting her images fall between fction and documentation, a performative dimension and life itself.

A challenging but at the same time amusing investigation that takes place primarily on the body of the author, whose image and identity become both the subject of an open question and the living expression of a search for identity.

By juxtaposing self-portraits, still lifes, landscape images, photographs of acquaintances and friends, scenes and particular moments of a life, Matilde Søes Rasmussen gathers together the colourful fragments of a rich and dispersive journey to seek, through the construction of the book, a narrative order that can lead her to understand the meaning of this important and long experience.

The body, now nude and then exquisitely dressed, now naturally rigged and now exasperated, the short diary texts that accompany the images, each sign of this project contributes to revealing the experiences and refections of this author whose work, while seriously questioning herself and the context in which she has lived her profession, does not renounce irony and lightweight.

Matilde Søes Rasmussen (b. 1990) is a Danish artist who works mainly with text, video and photography. She graduated fromFatamorgana – The Danish School of art Photography and from the Valand Academy in Gothenburg, where she obtained a degree in art photography. In addition, she participated in the renowned Atelier Smedsby programme in Paris with artists JH Engstrom & Margot Wallard and in 2021 received a one-year work grant from The Swedish Arts Council . Rasmussen lives and works in Gothenburg, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Copyright © Matilde Søes Rasmussen, DISKO BAY and PHROOM, all rights reserved

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