Michelle Shen

PHROOM MICHELLE SHEN Rest Easy I’ll See You Again WebsiteInstagram Rest Easy I’ll See You Again is an ongoing project that captures my evolving relationship to Shanghai and family through ephemera, archive, and the images of the private and public spaces that I exist in. It touches on themes of memory, time, space, and structures. […]
Laura San Segundo & Alejandría Cinque

PHROOM LAURA SAN SEGUNDO & ALEJANDRÍA CINQUE Las Hijas de Minerva (Minerva’s Daughters) Laura San Segundo: website and instagram Alejandría Cinque: instagram Minerva’s Daughters is a collaborative project developed by Laura San Segundo and Alejandría Cinque, and commissioned by PhotoESPAÑA. The project was designed as a site-specific intervention for the National Museum of Romanticism in […]
Michiel De Cleene & Arnout De Cleene

PHROOM MICHIEL DE CLEENE & ARNOUT DE CLEENE Amidst the fire, I am not burnt Michiel De Cleene: website and instagramArnout De Cleene: website Published by: Roma Publications In April 1872, Vesuvius erupted in a violent cataclysm. It is considered to be the first volcanic eruption ever photographed. Major eruptions have followed since, with the […]
Nika Sandler

PHROOM NIKA SANDLER A History of Teeth WebsiteInstagram In this work I explore teeth as a record of human experience. I delve into the sensual and emotional world they reveal. I also try to look beyond human perception by studying plaque bacteria and machine vision. Nika Sandler is an artist working with photography and text. […]
Anastasia Miseyko & Pietro Bucciarelli

PHROOM ANASTASIA MISEYKO & PIETRO BUCCIARELLI Nothing is Permanent. Places where we got a tiny pebble inside a shoe and carried it home involuntary Anastasia Miseyko: website and instagram Pietro Bucciarelli: website and instagram “Thinking has the character of play”—This quote from “The Disappearance of Rituals” by Byung-chul Han serves as the key to understanding […]
Daniel Dale

PHROOM DANIEL DALE The Happiest Place on Earth Website Instagram To step into Disneyland is to step into a fantastical facade of escapism and profit, of magic and whimsy. These postcards offer a sickly sweet satire; an awkward tension void of tourists, with time to scrutinise and ponder this architectural design of happiness. These are […]
Sophie Harris-Taylor

PHROOM SOPHIE HARRIS-TAYLOR Tweakments Website Instagram I’ve slowly become aware that i’m one of the few women of my peers who’s never had a so-called “tweakment”—botox and fillers for lips, cheeks or brows. Salons offering these treatments seem to be popping up on every high street, with them even available at dentists and hairdressers. I […]
Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen

PHROOM HENRIETTE SABROE EBBESEN Growing up Website Instagram Growing up is based on photos from our family album, which I have reinterpreted by creating collages with my own photography and artistic eye. It is a collaborative story about me and my close family members told through the eyes of my father and I. By creating […]
Lauren Beard

PHROOM LAUREN BEARD Mother of Monotony Instagram In a world that often calls on women and mothers for symmetry, Lauren’s art feels like a polarising contradiction entering a dance of creativity and utter chaos. Lauren’s process is a total internalised kaleidoscope of visions that hold a mirror to her deepest thoughts and feelings. She is […]
Pedro Rodrigues

PHROOM PEDRO RODRIGUES How a river should flowMovement in the alpine landscape websiteInstagram How a river should flow With the third Rhone correction, measures are being pursued to restore the beginnings of a natural watercourse. But is this still possible at all? Can the significant changes we have made to nature be restored? In the […]