
PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography // interview

SYNCHRODOGS is an artist Group composed by two Ukrainian photographers Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven shooting together since 2008. We have the pleasure to talk with them about their really interesting work. They have a publication list everyone would dream of: New York Magazine, AnOther, Dazed and Confused, Esquire, Vice (UK, USA, Russia, Spain, Italy, Germany). […]

Matteo Cremonesi

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

“Perhaps the immobility of the things that surround us is forced upon them by our conviction that they are themselves, and not anything else, and by the immobility of our conceptions of them.” Marcel Proust   Matteo Cremonesi (Milan 1986). He studied at Accademia di Brera (Milan). He displayed his work at Offprint London (Tate […]

Fabrizio Albertini

Fabrizio Albertini was born in 1984, lives on Lake Maggiore (Italy), graduated in Film direction and Production at the Conservatorio Internazionale Scienze Audiovisive in Lugano (Swiss). During the years of study he realized several shortmovies selected, among the others festival, at International Locarno Film Festival and Solothurner Filmtage. We met again Fabrizio Albertini to talk about his […]

Berber Theunissen

We met again Berber Theunissen to talk about her new photography project called “Seeking Beauty” (see the previous publication). “Seeking Beauty is about trying to escape daily life, daily negativity and cruelty what we see everywhere we look. Obsessed with all the different kinds of moods and vibes we experience, day in, day out. Even the little things can […]

Haley Golden & Nora Lowinsky

Feminine Architecture Feminine Architecture, a collaboration between self-taught California based artists Haley Golden and Nora Lowinsky is a testament to their friendship and its role in nurturing the growth of their individual and complementary vision since meeting two years ago. It is more broadly a celebration of women supporting one another in the arts with the hope […]

Jacquie Ray

Jacquie Ray is a 27 year old film photographer based in Los Angeles and she is the mind behind the High Creatives project. When we meet for the first time her works we felt a strong attraction in knowing more about her world and her strong aesthetic choices. Giangiacomo Cirla: Hi Jacquie, how are you? Jaquie Ray: […]

Simona Luchian

Supporto per Immagine // Simona Luchian Simona Luchian (1989) is an italian artist who live and work in Auckland, New Zeland. Giangiacomo Cirla: We saw your work “Support for Image” exposed at MACRO (Roma) during the Talent Prize 2016, can you tell us something about the project? Simona Luchian: The photograph “Support for Image” [#1] is […]

Maarten Rots

This Side Up // Maarten Rots Strolling through the Ludwig Museum in Cologne, visual artist Maarten Rots (1982) bumped into a museum employee busy on a ladder with a level against the wall. Next to the man was a trolley with Pollock’s Black and White no. 15 from 1951, a painting that led to the […]

Thomas Giörtz

Thomas Giörtz Thomas Giörtz  is a photographer living in Bremen – Germany. “I’m a dilettante”. 1. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler. 2. a lover of an art or science, especially of a fine art. 1733, borrowing of Italian dilettante “lover […]

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